Tuesday, March 27, 2012

EdcampNC April 21st!

One of the things that I have always loved about going to ISTE is the Edubloggercon "unconference" that happens the Saturday before the formal conference. It is a great time to meet people, exchange ideas, and in general have engaging discussions about what is happening in education. The Edcamp model embodies this and in essence takes the unconference model and makes it a stand alone event. Based on the Barcamp model, which has roots in IT it is only fitting that the Edcamp model would be born. What I love about the Edcamp model, and their evangelists, Kristen Swanson and Dan Callahan (among others) is that they really want to see this replicated across the county and even the world.  That by taking ownership of their Professional Development teachers will get more out of it - isn't that what we try to get our students to do!?!

So last year I made a half-hearted attempt to run an Edcamp - which essentially meant it didn't happen.  But this year I was determined, and I had time and people to invest.  I wanted EdcampNC to be more than just a PD opportunity for teachers, I wanted to include the University community as well. I want our Pre-service teachers to see what life long learning really means, to share what they know and be respected as experts. I want the faculty in both the College of Education and others to see the innovative practices happening in the K-12 classrooms as well as share their own practices.  We ALL have an opportunity to learn from one another and I'm excited to be a part of it.

So on Saturday April 21st, I hope to see you at Poe Hall on the campus of NC State University for the 1st Annual EdcampNC - trust me, you won't want to miss it!

Register for EdcampNC Now!

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